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Hola! Bonjour! A HEAVY já envia para Espanha e França. Consulte condições!

“A Study of the Mundane”

Spring/Summer 2023 _ Alejandro


Designer CSA

"Inspired by the anti-consumerism values of grunge, “A study of the mundane” explores the nuances of the working class and the decadence of the capitalistic system."

Tell me about your project?

“A study of the mundane” is a critic to capitalism, and how ‘things’ are made only to neglect and forget about them. Taking inspiration from everyday people on the streets and forgotten buildings, this sustainable collection reuses and upcycles vintage denim to reduce the amount of waste."


What have you enjoyed most with your collaboration with Heavy Jeans?

"The Heavy Jeans project provided the opportunity for me to work alongside a brand and receive industry-based feedback. "


How has this experience informed your practice as a designer?

"The collaboration enabled me to explore a range of innovative and sustainable techniques such as laser and plasma cutting to create a collection of commercially viable products for a new consumer."


Why is sustainability important in the fashion industry?

"Sustainability is at the forefront of every decision when designing and producing garments. The fashion industry is one of the largest industry’s that have a negative effects on our world, therefore changes must be introduce to ensure all products are ethically produced."


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